Inspirational London @cevicheuk @onthewallleeds @jan_levy @visitios #mindfuldrinkingfest

We had a fantastic and inspirational day in London yesterday.  We have always thought we would want to show off some of the best art that Scilly has in our Café and Restaurant and yesterday confirmed it.

Our first day off for a good few months but still ended up checking out cafes and restaurant designs plus picking up a few pictures.  

We made our way from our drop off at Hyde park to Shoreditch to the trendy arty area in and around the Old Spittalfields market.  There is always some really interesting art work sold in this area and some great graffiti art. In fact there was a group of street artists working on a panel whilst we were there.  We were then met by a small market at the entrance promoting none alcohol or low alcohol beer and soft drinks which were really topical and relevant so we picked up a few business cards and hope to follow these up over the next few months.  Once in the market we were mesmerised by the individual and creative art being sold and the best bit is the artist themselves are the guys on the stalls so you get to chat to them about the pieces.  We did see some really tempting pictures but unfortunately a bit out of our price range.  Further in the Brick Lane (backyard) market we came across some interesting posters which we ending up purchasing 12 off :)  At least these were easy to transport and we managed to negotiate a great deal with the stall seller who's relative used to fly the helicopter to the Isles of Scilly - I know small world!  Had some Peruvian food in a fab restaurant which was superb.  Really beautifully presented and very fresh and unusual tastes.  The raw sea bass in tiger milk and chilli kept us warm all day.

Coming home from the big smoke we reflected on our day and both agreed we really want local art to be displayed on our restaurant and café.  We would like to offer our wall space to any photographer or artist who wants an area to promote their creations.  So if any one out there is interested please let us know?  






Phil Moonspitalfield market